Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Totem of Life and the Milky Way : Gobekli Tepe Part 2

In part one I talked about the artifact shown in the image below which I am calling the Gobekli Tepe Totem. You can read part one here : You can read part one here

I am going to propose the totem is also a representation of the core of our Milky Way and I will explain why in a second.

Currently there is only 15% to 20% of all of Gobekli Tepe uncovered by archaeologists but I suspect the whole site will turn out to be a giant ancient observatory amongst one of the many functions of the site.

There are always two T shaped pillars in the middle of every circled enclosure as shown by the ground penetrating radar scans and the four enclosures already 
The two pillars representing each side of our milky way galaxy. 

The central pillars mark the core of the Milky way and the outer rings are probably tracking specific constellations and important dates, such as the winter and spring equinoxes and lunar cycles.

The below image shows a good depiction of scale.
  Below is the Milky Way.

Below is half of the Milky Way
The section of the Milky Way I suspect is being represented by the totem, 
is shown in the image below.

In the image below the totem would be in the bottom right hand
The image below shows the Milky Way split in half at it's core. Notice the T shape. If viewed from the Gobekli Tepe site would look like two T's. 

Notice the zig-zag pattern that both the Milky Way and the totem share?

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Gobekli Tepe and the Totem of Life - Part 1

 Gobekli Tepe is an archaeological site in Turkey and is currently the oldest known religious temple to date. It is a 20 km square archaeological site that will take decades to uncover.

It's pre-pottery neolithic, so right in the middle to end stone age.

It is known for it's megalithic T shaped pillars in a circle formation. 

Göbekli Tepe (Turkish: [gœbecˈli teˈpe], "Potbelly Hill"; known as Girê Mirazan or Xirabreşkê in Kurdish) is a Neolithic archaeological site in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Dated to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, between 9500 and 8000 BC

The T shaped pillars are often shown with arms and hands and thought to represent deities or some say even ancestors. There are countless articles on the pillars and people speculating on their meaning. 

However, I want to talk about something different. 
The Gobekli Tepe Totem as I will call it. Shown below

From the front the totem appears to show [from the top down] a person holding a woman who is in a birthing position  The woman's knees are bent and the child is half out.
Both the top face and the birthing woman's faces have been damaged unfortunately.
The child is then turning a potters wheel and has it's hands clasped around a clay pot. 

I believe it has multiple meaning with the first being a beautiful portrayal of man, woman and child and the creation of life.

It's possible the man is not a man and the totem is showing a midwife helping to deliver a child. 

When I see the totem and especially the potters wheel, I can't help but think about Genesis in the Old Testament.
Adam was made out of dust from the earth. Eve was then made from dust and Adam's rib.

From  either side of the side of the 1.2 meter limestone statue, we can see the mans head is inside the head of an animal. The animal to some looks like a cats head and some say a frog and some say a boars head.

I'm on the cats head side because it is a common animal depicted at Gobekli Tepe.

Anything can change at any moment though as the site is about 20% uncovered. There is another 20 years of digging. 

The lower portion is flanked on either side by snakes with the snakes heads making the woman's knees.
The above image gives you an idea of where the ground level on the totem is. Notice the ground level is right where the clay pot representation is. 

Below is a totem that has a few similarities. It was found in Siberia.

It is also possible that the totem is telling a story from the base upwards.
The potters wheel of creation into birth and to adulthood all the way up to death and the soul being released.
The gruesome act by Indigenous tribes of scalping a fallen enemy or fallen tribesman away to released the Spirit.

The act is depicted all throughout the ancient world in artifacts, most famously in the jade Olmec artifacts.

Nevali Cori is a site close to Gobekli Tepe. This artifact has some similarities.
When we look at the damaged face of the woman, it almost looks like the hair forms two birds back to back, beaks outwards.

Below an Inuit totem
Indigenous Below

The Milky Way

I believe that the Gobekli Tepe Totem is telling the creation story of humanity and we still carry parts of in our own creation story with Adam and Eve but,
I believe the people of Gobekli Tepe were also depicting the Milky way and those reasons will be in part 2

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Mount Sinai and the Archaeological Evidence

Ten Commandments, Mount Sinai and the Archaeological Evidence.

The 10 Commandments were given to Moses after the Exodus from Egypt and during the time in the dessert which was 40 years.

The Israelites had not yet traveled as far as the Land of Judea. When the Commandments were given they were living at the base of Mount Sinai. Skeptics of Biblical Theology often say the 10 Commandments story is just that, a Story. They say there is no evidence of them even living in the wilderness. The same people say the same about Noah's Ark, the Exodus, the Parting of the Dead Sea, The Ark of the Covenant and the Miracles that took place. As this blog progresses we will look at them all. 

    The reason for the skepticism of the 10 Commandments is because nobody had found any evidence of the the location so Christians build a Monastery on there best probable location at the time, which was in the mid 1500 AD. It's remained as a traditional site and is a UNESCO World Heritage site today. There is a real site that is mostly unknown. Let's look at into it.

Jebel El Lawz is the correct mountain. 

The Sinai Penicula is split in half. On the left half is in Egypt where the traditional site is. The right half is in Arabia where the real site is. The Dead Sea crossing (Sea of Reeds) will be covered later in a dedicated post. 

    The sun was beating down on all of the people gathered. The Prophet Moses, who had lead the Exodus out of Egypt had gone up to the top of Mount Sinai to pray and fast and reflect on the future.

    Moses has an interaction with God on the Mountain. God came down, out of the sky. The heat was so intense that the Bible says the top of the mountain burned and was turned black like charcoal.

Exodus 19.18 - Mount Sinai was all wrapped in smoke because the LORD descended on it in fire. Rose from it like smoke from the furnace and the whole mountain shook vigorously.

Deuteronomy 4,11-12 - So you are near and stood under the mountain. Mountain fire burned to the very heavens, around dark clouds and cloud. Then the Lord spoke to you of the fire.

Photo's from Jebel el Lawz

At a distance the top just looks like shadows
When a person gets up to the to though, it is burn black like charcoal. 

A video of the whole site is included at the end of this blog post

    While Moses was on the mountain the Israelites got tired and frustrated and turned back to their Gods of Egypt. They set up a giant alter at the base. All people pooled together all of their golden objects and melted it down. They made a golden calf from the gold.  On the giant alter they chiseled images of their calves and then placed the gold idol on the alter and began to worship it. When Moses seen this he was furious because they had all sworn never to worship the Gods of Egypt again. 

Exodus 32.1 - When the people saw that Moses had not yet returned from the mountain and was gone a very long time, Aaron gathered them around and said. "Come, make us gods, which would lead us," he urged. "Who knows what's up with that Moses who brought us out of Egypt."

Exodus 32,4-5 - Ten of them took the gold, shaped and cast in the form of a calf. Then said: "This is your god, O Israel, that brought thee out of Egypt!" When Aaron saw the statue stood in front of the altar. Then he announced, "Tomorrow is the feast!"

    Here are photo's of the Alter of the Golden Caf along with it's petroglyphs.

Biblical Alters are always large, no Iron tools were meant to work the stone and were elevated where all can see. The Alter with the stone, wood or gold idol ontop was meant to make the person feel much smaller then the god or goddess being worshipped. 
This image shows the size compared to a person. 

    Before the Israelites came to this location they had been walking for days and weeks through harsh, terrain. They were slowly wilting away from lack of water. Moses had prayed for a miracle. God had told Moses to take his walking stick and strike a megolithic rock and water would flow out from it. Moses did and the rock split in half and water poured out  ground, splitting the rock in half but still stood upwards. It is known as the Rock of Horeb.

The rock is 200 feet from the bottom to the base of the split rock. Water gushed out and pooled at the bottom according to scripture and water erosion.

Exodus chapter 17 can be read here

At Mt. Sinai the Israelites also set up 12 pillars that was to represent the 12 Tribes of Israel. The built a cattle carrel and many other things around their temple in the wilderness. The exact dimensions were recorded in the Old Testament.
This blog post only scratches the surface.
If you would like to find out more about the site here is a video about it with video footage taken on the site. 
This is Ron Wyatt who rediscovered the site in 1984.
The discovery made headlines around the world because the site was off limit to outsiders, being a Israelite - Christian site in a strict Muslim Country where a Christian Cross is even forbidden to be on display.
Ron Wyatt snuck in across the mountain ridge and was caught on his was out. They thought he was a spy.

As always,
Thank you for reading

To watch the video on Youtube this is the link : Mt. Sinai : Untold Story of Ron Wyatt