Showing posts with label Paleontology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paleontology. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Totem of Life and the Milky Way : Gobekli Tepe Part 2

In part one I talked about the artifact shown in the image below which I am calling the Gobekli Tepe Totem. You can read part one here : You can read part one here

I am going to propose the totem is also a representation of the core of our Milky Way and I will explain why in a second.

Currently there is only 15% to 20% of all of Gobekli Tepe uncovered by archaeologists but I suspect the whole site will turn out to be a giant ancient observatory amongst one of the many functions of the site.

There are always two T shaped pillars in the middle of every circled enclosure as shown by the ground penetrating radar scans and the four enclosures already 
The two pillars representing each side of our milky way galaxy. 

The central pillars mark the core of the Milky way and the outer rings are probably tracking specific constellations and important dates, such as the winter and spring equinoxes and lunar cycles.

The below image shows a good depiction of scale.
  Below is the Milky Way.

Below is half of the Milky Way
The section of the Milky Way I suspect is being represented by the totem, 
is shown in the image below.

In the image below the totem would be in the bottom right hand
The image below shows the Milky Way split in half at it's core. Notice the T shape. If viewed from the Gobekli Tepe site would look like two T's. 

Notice the zig-zag pattern that both the Milky Way and the totem share?