Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Paganism In The Church : Part One

 When I was a child,

Easter was one of my favorite holidays. 

I was raised in a highly filtered, luke warm to cold Christian atmosphere.

The holiday celebrations are kind of strange.

 We make colored Easter eggs, and people eat ham or lamb and for some reason a magical rabbit hops around to Christian homes laying eggs like a bird or reptile.

Everyone goes to Church and is told the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The different parts of the cross and resurrection are told by using the converted pagan festivals the people already knew.

What was the rabbit, eggs and the pig originally a symbolic representative of?

~Note : I want to be crystal clear : I am not insulting any Church or person of how they celebrate Christ and the Gospel. I gave my life over to Christ as a born again a few years ago and started from scratch, with the intentions to fully immerse my understandings and seek an uncrimped, unaltered form of Christianity based on what the Scriptures teach. 

I am learning. I will get many things wrong but I intend to push forward with Scripture as the guide. Writing this blog is to record my development. Share it with those interested and have a clear record to reflect back on as my understanding grows. 

~ To follow the eternal laws for salvation as given to Moses. To verify the laws of salvation the Church proclaims before I blindly follow into my own eternity of damnation or salvation. 

~ End of note

First of all, Easter's Christian roots were planted by the Roman Catholic Church system. Easter spread all around the world by Catholic Missionaries. 

After Martin Luther and the Protestant Referendum split from the Catholic System over their differences, over time Easter and Catholic holidays crept back into the Protestant Church.

See not only did the Roman Church system Christianize Easter when they declared Christianity their empires main religion but before Christ Rome was already celebrating Easter. So too was the whole ancient world from 5000 years before Christ.

Biblical prophecies in the Old Testament known as the five books of Moses, written on  

Mt. Sinai and in the New Testament written after the death of Christ, warns of wolves in sheep clothing who will corrupt and pervert the scriptures.

Those who say they are Monotheistic believers of the one Divine Creator but are from the synagogue / Temple / Church of Satan.

Who like to wear flashy garbs to be seen and admired and who worship the fallen one Lucifer and his minions of Angels who were banished from Heaven. 

Who were also once shining light.

They will lie, deceive, manipulate, invert, distort and teach people to worship Lucifer as God and the worship the Angels of darkness as if they were still of light. 

It was standard practice for the Church to convert Pagan religious pratices by building Churches on top of Pagan Holy sites and taking the Pagans already established rituals and converting them into Christian rituals and stories.

So does that make it still a Pagan celebration, Christian or a mix of both?

Scripture is clear that we are not to partake in paganism. This is why.  

Pagan Religion that can be traced all the way back to the Babylonian, Sumer

Goddess Ishtar : Ish - meaning East and Tar meaning Star 

East Star or as we say in the English vocabulary "Easter"

From the Babylon's Ishtar it's rituals moved through trade routes and into new cultures, stamping versions where it traveled but with new parts added and removed.

This short video tells the moderated version from Greece's influence to modern times.  


If we look back at the original Sumerian traditions of Ishtar we also find that there were celebrations of  fertility. Rejuvenation of mother earth marked by the spring equinox and marked around the world as the cosmic egg that birth the universe.
The tradition was celebrated by the full moon which also represents a woman's fertility cycle. 

To understand what is going on here we need to look back to the banishment of Lucifer from Heaven and his 200 fallen angels. They rebelled in heaven because Lucifer wanted to be  worshiped like God and wanted to be Gods so were given temporary dominion over earth and man given free will. Lucifer and the fallen ones setup counterfeit, cheap imitations versions of heaven on earth with a Chief Deity at the top.

The Catholic System is a version of the heavenly system but with a counterfeit god and rituals. 
Heaven has many different lifeforms created by God but only one is to be worshiped as God. See Lucifer is very intelligent. God only wants clean, holy spirits in the Kingdom. 

We read about and hear of humans who have interactions with Angels of light on earth, they have been sent on behalf of the Creator. They were created by the Creator to Minister and do the will of the Creator. There are many different types of life forms in the heavens that were created. Scripture is very clear on this. 

There is only ONE creator. 
We are here  with free will. God wants us all to be in heaven, it's up to us to though to get there. 
In the Book of Life in Heaven the past, the present and the future is written.
Within the Book of Life are the Holy scriptures.
In the Holy scriptures the past, present and future are written also. In the prophecies it is said that all will be revealed so that when these things come to pass, you will know that this is the way and the truth to the light. 

The prophecies for the coming life of Jesus, who is God born into the flesh was laid out very specifically with over 300 exact points since the beginning of time and written on earth by Moses 1500 years prior to his birth.

Lucifer being God's Chief in Heaven is very well aware of the contents in the Book of Life. 
He has set up counterfeit fof prophecy and to the word of God.

You must understand that in now way am I insulting any denomination Christianity or Catholic people because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ but "traditions" set by Churches have over ruled the Lords Commandments and have polluted the Church.
Insted of Ministering about repentance and the word or God, we've become accustom to Ministering the lies from Lucifer as if they were the truth of the almighty. 

The whole reason Martin Luther lead the reformation and separation from Rome was  
because of traditions and doctrines that do NOT fit with Scripture.  

I get it too though, the easter eggs and bunny and everything makes it fun for children to learn about the Bible. All I'm asking is does it line up with Scripture?

If you want to dig deeper into Easter, this Twitter thread from the marked page down explains more about Christs sacrifice on the cross for out Salvation.